Source code for aisquared.config.harvesting.InputHarvester

from aisquared.base import BaseObject, ALLOWED_INPUT_TYPES

[docs]class InputHarvester(BaseObject): """ Object to harvest user-input text Example usage: >>> import aisquared >>> my_obj = aisquared.config.harvesting.InputHarvester() >>> my_obj.to_dict() {'className': 'InputHarvester', 'params': {'inputType': 'text', 'maxLength': None, 'features': None}} """ def __init__( self, input_type: str = 'text', max_length: int = None, features: list = None ): """ Parameters ---------- input_type : str (default 'text') What kind of input to harvest NOTE: Supports 'text', 'image', or 'tabular' max_length : int or None (default None) The maximum length of harvested text features : list or None (default None) Features to be harvested, if using 'tabular' harvesting. Otherwise ignored """ super().__init__() self.input_type = input_type self.max_length = max_length self.features = features # input_type @property def input_type(self): return self._input_type @input_type.setter def input_type(self, value): if value not in ALLOWED_INPUT_TYPES: raise ValueError( "InputHarvester supports 'text', 'image', or 'tabular' input") self._input_type = value # max_length @property def max_length(self): return self._max_length @max_length.setter def max_length(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int) and value is not None: raise TypeError('max_length must be int or None') if isinstance(value, int) and value <= 0: raise ValueError('max_length must be positive') self._max_length = value # features @property def features(self): return self._features @features.setter def features(self, value): # Check that the value is not None if value is not None: # Check that the value is a list if not None if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError('features must be list or None') # Validate each instance in the list is a dictionary if not all([isinstance(val, dict) for val in value]): raise ValueError( 'Each value within `features` must be a dictionary') # Validate each of the names and dtypes for all features for val in value: if not val.get('name'): raise ValueError('Each feature must have a `name` key') if val.get('dtype') not in ['string', 'numeric']: raise ValueError( 'Each feature must have `dype` set to either `string` or `numeric`') self._features = value
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ Get the configuration object as a dictionary """ return { 'className': 'InputHarvester', 'params': { 'inputType': self.input_type, 'maxLength': self.max_length, 'features': self.features } }